Red Hat Society.Thames Ruby Redz Joining Form

Join with us in red/purple - pink/lilac regalia as we spread the joy, companionship, and sisterhood that is the Red Hat Society. Give yourself permission to let go and have fun, to go for the gusto, to play dress-up and go to tea parties and do other fun things. Become a part of the RHS "mission" to gain higher visibility for women in our age group, to reshape the way we are viewed by today's culture and the way we, ourselves, view aging. Know that by belonging to the Red Hat Society, you are personally helping to develop and maintain an enormous "caring and nurturing network" for women and have loads of fun while doing it. Your membership includes the bragging rights of belonging to the greatest women's dis-organisation the world. There is only one! Join the fun!

As a dis-organization, we have to strive to keep track of everyone! This will give us an idea of who you are and what you like to do. We are glad you are interested in joining us and we look forward to seeing you at the next Divine Event (Hoot)!

Copy and paste from here down into an email and send to








Date of Birth:             

Marital Status:           

Children & ages:       


1. How did you first hear about the Red Hat Society?   


2. What is your number one reason for wanting to join us?


3. Will you have any problem dressing in the Red Hat Society regalia in public?


4. How do you feel about wearing a hat in public?


5. Do you consider yourself shy or do you embarrass easily?


6. What do you think will be the most fun part of being a Red hatter?


7. What other types of organizations do you belong to? ie. Church groups,    volunteer work etc?


8. What are your hobbies?


9. What is the one thing you feel you are good at?


10. Name one thing you are looking forward to as you get older?


11. What is your best friend’s first name and why is she your best friend?


Joining Fee for life $5          Monthly Fee $1      

We hold raffles which are $1 per ticket and everyone is asked to supply a raffle gift (approx one per year.)

Please contact me Queen Izzy if you have any further questions.

Maureen Mallinson

Phone 07 8682642


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